assalamu alaikum
To be moral, in a philosophical sense, is to be able to find a means of satisfying your desires without infringing the rights of others to satisfy theirs. In this sense, therefore, morality is primarily a socio-materialistic concept, in so far as its object is the equal distribution of pleasure.
The religious concept of morality is, however, diametrically opposed to this. To be religiously moral is to exercise self-control by curbing your desires and restraining your passion in order to attain your exalted status as a human being worthy of inheriting the Kingdom of Allah, and indeed, the whole world that has been put in your service. You could never be worthy of being a master of this world until you have succeeded in mastering your own "self', that is, being fully in charge of your inner kingdom.
Religious morality in this sense requires progress from the lower level of self-slavishness (being a slave to the self) to the higher level of being closer to Allah. Rather than a call for a better distribution of pleasure, morality is, in this sense, a call for braiding the shackles of pleasure.
The two approaches, the philosophical and the religious, are therefore totally different and they produce totally different human beings.
Materialistic philosophy, furthermore, has produced a materialistic man who seeks immediate pleasure, an immediate materialistic reward for all human activity, hence his 'temporal' orientation, that is to say, his approach to reality in terms of the 'pleasure of the moment', and what time has to offer. But moments are by definition transitory and time perpetually flies, so that this kind of man inevitably feels he is being left behind, and, paradoxically, with a lump in his throat. The greater the fulfillment of his desires, the greedier and hungrier they get. He bets on time, with no assets for the future; for as a moral human being, he expects death to come, unexpectedly; and, as the fleeting moments give him satisfaction only to take it away from him, he lives in anxiety, pulled apart by conflicting desires, until death comes in the end.
A believer has a different psychological make-up, however, and a different sense of morality based on a different human vision. He sees worldly pleasures for what they are, transitory and, in a very real sense, mortal. They constitute a test which, if passed, should admit him to higher ranks beyond this world. In need, the whole world is nothing but a path of transition from this world to the other, with Allah as the only security for such a trip. Allah is the only ruler who reigns supreme, and who determines His weal and woe. If all people decide to profit or do harm to him, they could not achieve anything that was not preordained, he believes, and that is why he is neither overjoyed by material gain, nor over- dismayed by material loss. If things do not go his way he would say to himself:
وَعَسى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ
He would fight, audaciously, never flinching from death, chanting:
أَيْنَمَا تَكُونُوا يُدْرِكُّمْ الْمَوْتُ وَلَوْ كُنتُمْ فِي بُرُوجٍ مُشَيَّدَةٍ
وَمَا كَانَ لِنَفْسٍ أَنْ تَمُوتَ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ كِتَابًا مُؤَجَّلاً
He neither envies nor covets the property of anybody; indeed, he pities the 'multitude who walk in darkness', He listens to the whispers of his heart:
لاَ يَغُرَّنَّكَ تَقَلُّبُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فِي الْبِلاَدِ مَتَاعٌ قَلِيلٌ ثُمَّ مَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمِهَادُ
إِنَّمَا نُمْلِي لَهُمْ لِيَزْدَادُوا إِثْمًا
مَا أَصَابَ مِنْ مُصِيبَةٍ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلاَ فِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ إِلاَّ فِي كِتَابٍ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ نَبْرَأَهَا إِنَّ ذَلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ يَسِيرٌ لِكَيْلاَ تَأْسَوْا عَلَى مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلاَ تَفْرَحُوا بِمَا آتَاكُمْ وَاللَّهُ لاَ يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ
قُلْ لَنْ يُصِيبَنَا إِلاَّ مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا هُوَ مَوْلاَنَا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
These verses combine to inspire the believer with a serene mood, and perfect peace of mind:
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ
Such a believer finds ample recompense for the conquered desires, warmth in his heart, and the sweet sense of inner freedom and inward light.
Believing in one Allah makes for inner unity: he receives inspiration from a single source; he fears one authority, hopes to please one power, and seeks to establish a permanent relationship with one ideal. Such, unity of source and target has a unifying effect on the soul. His character develops internal harmony that precludes all possibility of conflict or discord within.
This is the clue to Quranic psychology: it has immediate ethical and behavioristic implications that contrast sharply with Freudian psychology. Indeed, what is it that Freud has taught?
Freud believes that guilt is a kind of disease, that repentance is regression, that control of desires is repression, that regret is the outcome of a complex, and that forbearance is apathy.
Freud looked at all action in terms of behavior and motive, in disregard of the real intention and sincerity. He could only see the animal inside man, and dealt with human motivation within the framework of base appetites and lust. He believed that all dreams could be interpreted in this way: whatever was round, such as a cave, a ditch, a hole or a ring, stood for the female; while anything upright, such as a pen, a sword, a tower, a stick (and even a serpent) stood for the male; and all movement, such as walking, running, climbing, flying and swimming, stood for the sexual act.
He looked on the soul as completely isolated from its metaphysical sources but he could not recognize the devil's temptation, angelic whispers, or divine afflatus.
Of a child's attachment to his mother, he spun out an Oedipus complex--- an unconscious desire to kill the hated father, which assumes in the child the conscious behavior of flattering him and endeavoring to ape him. In the world of adults, however, this is compensated for by worship of the heavenly father, which, according to Freud, represents redemption of their unconscious desire to kill the earthly father.
Freud believed that human character assumed its final shape in the first five years of one's life; subsequently it became the destiny of the individual, and all psychiatry could do, would be in the nature of providing sedatives or helping the repressed feelings and desires to have an outlet. Freud could not see, in short, any other areas of the soul except the base, animalistic region.
The chief weakness of Freudian psychology is, however, its reluctance to recognize the possibility of change. Quranic psychology establishes this as a norm; cure is always possible because it involves a restoration of the original soundness of the human soul, the removal of extraneous element--- such as hate, malice, envy, lust etc.
According to the Quran, there are many levels of the human spirit apart from the low, animalistic one: the soul has seven 'grades' which proceed from temptation and expiation, to inspiration, and peace, to harmony and contentment, and finally, to perfection. Man can proceed from one grade to the next, higher and higher still, through obedience to Allah and genuine worship. Moderation has been established by the Quran as the ideal mode of behaviour.
We are met, everywhere, by instructive examples of the change within the soul from darkness to light, even instantly, by Allah's guidance. A prominent example was that of Omar Ibn-al-Khattab who, during the life of the Prophet, (Salla Allah Ta'ala 'Alaihi Wa Salam) instantly changed from a life of pagan cruelty and iniquity to one of exemplary and perfect justice:
وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِي صُدُورِهِمْ مِنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَانًا عَلَى سُرُرٍ مُتَقَابِلِينَ
Such is the kind of instant psychological cure which we learn from the Quran and which is not to be found in any other secular discipline.
Monday, June 29, 2009
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Qur'an and Psycology
ReplyDeletefrom Mustafa mahmood/2003
To be moral, in a philosophical sense, is to be able to find a means of satisfying your desires without infringing the rights of others to satisfy theirs. In this sense, therefore, morality is primarily a socio-materialistic concept, in so far as its object is the equal distribution of pleasure.
The religious concept of morality is, however, diametrically opposed to this. To be religiously moral is to exercise self-control by curbing your desires and restraining your passion in order to attain your exalted status as a human being worthy of inheriting the Kingdom of Allah, and indeed, the whole world that has been put in your service. You could never be worthy of being a master of this world until you have succeeded in mastering your own "self', that is, being fully in charge of your inner kingdom.
Religious morality in this sense requires progress from the lower level of self-slavishness (being a slave to the self) to the higher level of being closer to Allah. Rather than a call for a better distribution of pleasure, morality is, in this sense, a call for braiding the shackles of pleasure.
The two approaches, the philosophical and the religious, are therefore totally different and they produce totally different human beings.
Materialistic philosophy, furthermore, has produced a materialistic man who seeks immediate pleasure, an immediate materialistic reward for all human activity, hence his 'temporal' orientation, that is to say, his approach to reality in terms of the 'pleasure of the moment', and what time has to offer. But moments are by definition transitory and time perpetually flies, so that this kind of man inevitably feels he is being left behind, and, paradoxically, with a lump in his throat. The greater the fulfillment of his desires, the greedier and hungrier they get. He bets on time, with no assets for the future; for as a moral human being, he expects death to come, unexpectedly; and, as the fleeting moments give him satisfaction only to take it away from him, he lives in anxiety, pulled apart by conflicting desires, until death comes in the end.
A believer has a different psychological make-up, however, and a different sense of morality based on a different human vision. He sees worldly pleasures for what they are, transitory and, in a very real sense, mortal. They constitute a test which, if passed, should admit him to higher ranks beyond this world. In need, the whole world is nothing but a path of transition from this world to the other, with Allah as the only security for such a trip. Allah is the only ruler who reigns supreme, and who determines His weal and woe. If all people decide to profit or do harm to him, they could not achieve anything that was not preordained, he believes, and that is why he is neither overjoyed by material gain, nor over- dismayed by material loss. If things do not go his way he would say to himself:
Islam And Psychosomatic Medicine
this is an article from Mohammad Ahmad & Mrs Nikhat Ahmad ,publised in 2003
The most important cause of morbidity today is the stress and strain of life. Not only this, but directly or indirectly the stress and strain of life. Not only this, but directly or indirectly the stress and strains of life are also one of the most important causative factors of cornary artery diseases which stands out as the number one killer of mankind today.
"We are born in pain, we die in pain and in between there are pains both psychic and somatic". One cannot avoid stress in life nor can we live without stress. It is essential for the development of human faculties. But excess of it is extremely damaging to the human body. Minimising stress within tolerable limits is the goal of modern physical and psychological therapy.
The present work attempts to analyse how best Islamic practices have contributed to solving the psychological problems and have helped towards a healthier living in a chieving positive health.
Because of the limited space only the commonly practiced methods which minimise stress and bring about relaxation both physcial and mental will be discussed int he light of Islam.
The following methods of relaxation have been selected for the present discussion.
A short mid-day nap (Qailulah) is a Sunnah. The value of this mid-day nap in total body relaxation has been appreciated recently by scientists.
Not only does a mid-day nap give relaxation to the body in day time but it is also very conducive to sleep at right.
Relaxing once during the day is very conducive to total relaxation and sleep - once you crawn into bed for the night (Kerner)
It should be appreciated that insomnia is a "powerful stressor in itself". The Sunnah of short mid-day nap may, therefore, be practiced as a remedy for sleeplessness.
Furthermore, the sunnah is not necessarily to sleep during the day but to lie down for some time to relax. This is exactly what is required for proper relaxation according to the modem scientific investigations.
Lack of faith in the Almighty Creator is one of the theories of psychological disorders leading to psychoneurosis and psychoses. This can be understood from the knowledge of the mechanisms of development disorders.
Do you have a seeking mind?
ReplyDeleteYou don’t have to answer me. You just need to present the answer to your own Self. I say this because you will only benefit from the insights, observations and ideas presented on this website if you have a genuine interest in self development. Not the kind of interest that fades away in a few days but the kind of interest that keeps you longing for more, day and night.
Self improvement is tough work. It takes courage. It takes discipline. It takes accepting the responsibility for your current situation in life 100%. It takes continuous endeavor and effort. So please know that you won’t find any quick fixes, shortcuts or instant life changing strategies here. Personal Development is hard work and you’ll have to do it if you really want to grow. In short, you’ll need a seeking mind and a passionate soul for self improvement.
If you think you have that kind of courage, please go ahead check the blog or archives and you will find insights that you can actually use to help yourself on this journey of self growth. It a life long journey and I wish you all the best, always, for I believe the real purpose of your life and mine is to live it to the fullest in the best possible manner. And believe me after you get your feet wet, you won’t look back. Bon Voyage!
sir, this is a discoursive blog mtr from Sunny Jamiel how can react u to the discussions of Majliseramzan?
ReplyDeleteMuhammad was a great soul. He was born with the temperament of a saint. His time was one of violence. He was mortified by the way in which people were living. He was struggling to find out some way by which he could enlighten these people. In great disgust he used to seclude himself and go away from Mecca into the wilderness. One of his special haunts was a mountain called Hijra. There in a cave he used to spend long periods in fasting and prayer.
On one occasion, he was given no encouragement from Above. For an entire month he gave himself up to fasting and prayer and in supplication to the Lord. The Lord gave him some Light. This corresponds to Ramzan. On the last day there appeared the celestial being before Muhammad; and it spoke to him and gave him a message from the Highest. It commissioned Muhammad to go forth amongst his brethren and spread the gospel of true life, by which people may be led away from the path of evil and may come to walk upon a path of goodness, truth, purity, forgiveness, brotherhood and thus attain the Highest Bliss. This last day is the great day of the Muhammadans—Id. It is a day of intense prayer. Muhammadans congregate in lakhs everywhere, offer prayers and also have Darshan of the moon, which is symbolic of the Light which appeared to Muhammad from the Highest Throne of the Almighty.
In the Gita we have a Sloka:
Yaa Nishaa Sarva-bhutaanaam Tasyaam Jaagarti Samyamee
Yasyaam Jaagrati Bhutaani Saa Nishaa Pashyato Muneh.
"That which is night to all beings, then the self-controlled man is awake; when all beings are awake, that is night for the sage who sees."
This gives the entire significance of Ramzan fast in a nutshell.
in this comment auther argues that Islamic fasting is an influenzed by hinduism wt is ur opin ..?
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Juice fasting is a type of fasting and detox diet in which the practitioner consumes only fruit and vegetable juices. Being available only in digestible carbohydrates, these foods are digested rapidly as the juice digestion process expends only a small amount of energy. People choose to undergo juice fasts for various reasons and via various methods. Juice fasts are often marketed together with supplies, supplements and support groups
ReplyDeleteAdditional reasons for undergoing juice fasts include religious reasons, losing weight and attempting to wean oneself from unhealthy habits, i.e., smoking, drinking soda, overeating, caffeine addiction, etc. Some more serious participants use juice fasting as an alternative to conventional medical practices, i.e., as a healing technique for pain, cancer, depression, arthritis, severe infections that failed antibiotics, autoimmune diseases and many other supposedly incurable diseases
Some practitioners take part in semi-annual week-long (or longer) periods of fasting in order to cyclically purify the body along with the nature's annual cycles. These semi-annual fasters and others may also take monthly, shorter (two or three days) periods of fasting. Some fasts involve a week-long trip to a spa resort, with Thailand being one especially popular destination.
Because pure juice contains little to no fiber, juice fasters often use an enema or a herbal or saltwater laxative during the time of fasting to efficiently expel waste from the intestines and colon. Another method is mixing psyllium husks in with the juice. Because psyllium is not absorbed by the body but increases in volume greatly upon absorbing water, it creates the bulk necessary to keep the bowels moving
Criticisms of fasting
ReplyDeleteSome scientists, dietitians, and doctors regard juice fasting and other detox diets as less effective than drinking a glass of water, and hence generally harmless but a waste of money. Dr Catherine Collins, Chief Dietician of St George’s Hospital Medical School in London, England, states that "The concept of ‘detox’ is a marketing myth rather than a physiological entity. The idea that an avalanche of vitamins, minerals, and laxatives taken over a 2 to 7 day period can have a long-lasting benefit for the body is also a marketing myth."
Proponents of fasting believe that, while fasting, less energy is expended on digestion of foods, leaving more energy available for the rest of the body to expel toxins. As toxins are believed to lie within many of the human body's eliminative glands and organs, different juice fasts target different sections of the body. For instance, a large portion of juice fasters believe that abstaining from solid food allows the body to recover and heal itself from damage and fatigue caused by the relentless stress of digestion. But while on a water-only fast, "the body burns up stored sugars, or glycogen, so less insulin is needed to help the body digest food. That gives the pancreas a rest. On juice diets recommended by some spas, you may lose weight, but your digestive system doesn't get that rest." Others choose fasting because they want to target the liver, the kidneys, the urinary tract, the skin, the gallbladder, the brain, the immune system, etc. There is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence behind these claims
jou vag
There are a lot of side effects of fasting due to the range of physiological changes that take place in the body. These include headaches, nausea and muscle aches. Each of us responds differently to detoxification, depending on the levels of toxicity in the body.
Fasting is an effective way to kindle the digestive fire and burn away accumulated toxins from the body and mind. It also eliminates gas, makes the body light, improves mental clarity, and preserves overall health. Ayurveda favors regular, short-term fasting over infrequent, long-term fasting. This could entail fasting on the same day each week or setting a few days aside each month to fast, depending on your constitution and cleansing requirements. According to Ayurveda, abstaining from food or water for extended periods of time depletes bodily tissues, leading to doshic imbalance.
ReplyDeleteThe primary types of fasting in Ayurveda, include:
The primary types of fasting in Ayurveda, include:
In determining the appropriate type and length of a fast, it’s important to take into account your constitution, digestive strength, level of ama, and overall vitality. It’s never advised to deplete your energy during a fast. If you’re new to fasting or have a chronic illness, we recommend consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner for specifically tailored guidance.
Preparatory treatments to Panchakarma include light fasting, steam therapy, herbalized oil massage, and the intake of herbal decoctions or oils. These procedures help loosen accumulated toxins (ama), which then enter the major channels of the body for elimination. The five primary treatments of elimination include: herb-induced emesis or vomiting (vamana), herb-induced purgation (virechana), herbal decoction enema (asthapana basti), medicated oil enema (anuvasana basti), and the nasal administration of medication (nasya). Depending on an individual’s needs, all five or only select treatments are used. There are also several adjunct treatments, such as the luxurious shirodhara, in which a continuous stream of warm oil is gently poured between the eyebrows (on the “third eye”) of the patient.
ReplyDeleteLike any medical procedure, Panchakarma begins with an initial consultation by a qualified health professional, who can determine an individual’s prakruti (birth constitution), the nature of the health problem, and the appropriate therapies. Ayurveda also recommends Panchakarma for healthy individuals as a preventative measure, particularly at the junction points between the seasons. For more information, please visit the Kauai Center for Holistic Medicine’s web site.
Preparatory treatments to Panchakarma include light fasting, steam therapy, herbalized oil massage, and the intake of herbal decoctions or oils. These procedures help loosen accumulated toxins (ama), which then enter the major channels of the body for elimination. The five primary treatments of elimination include: herb-induced emesis or vomiting (vamana), herb-induced purgation (virechana), herbal decoction enema (asthapana basti), medicated oil enema (anuvasana basti), and the nasal administration of medication (nasya). Depending on an individual’s needs, all five or only select treatments are used. There are also several adjunct treatments, such as the luxurious shirodhara, in which a continuous stream of warm oil is gently poured between the eyebrows (on the “third eye”) of the patient.
Like any medical procedure, Panchakarma begins with an initial consultation by a qualified health professional, who can determine an individual’s prakruti (birth constitution), the nature of the health problem, and the appropriate therapies. Ayurveda also recommends Panchakarma for healthy individuals as a preventative measure, particularly at the junction points between the seasons. For more information, please visit the Kauai Center for Holistic Medicine’s web site.
(virechana), herbal decoction enema (asthapana basti), medicated oil enema (anuvasana basti), and the nasal administration of medication (nasya). Depending on an individual’s needs, all five or only select treatments are used. There are also several adjunct treatments, such as the luxurious shirodhara, in which a continuous stream of warm oil is gently poured between the eyebrows (on the “third eye”) of the patient.
Like any medical procedure, Panchakarma begins with an initial consultation by a qualified health professional, who can determine an individual’s prakruti (birth constitution), the nature of the health problem, and the appropriate therapies. Ayurveda also recommends Panchakarma for healthy individuals as a preventative measure, particularly at the junction points between the seasons. For more information, please visit the
Sha'aban (Arabic: شعبان) is the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. This is the month of ‘separation’, so called because the pagan Arabs used to disperse in search of water. On the fifteenth night of this month falls the Shab-i-Barat: ‘The Night of Records’; some people think that on this night prophet Muhammad told his followers that Allah records all the deeds that the humans have to perform for the next year
ReplyDeleteThe Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and months begin when the first crescent of a new moon is sighted. Since the Islamic lunar calendar year is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year, Sha'aban migrates throughout the seasons. The start and end dates for Sha'aban are as follows (all future dates are estimates):
Islamic events
ReplyDeleteShi'a Muslims celebrate the birth dates of several people during this month:
01 Sha'aban, birth of Zaynab bint Ali, daughter of Imam Ali.
03 Sha'aban, birth of the third Imam Husayn ibn Ali.
04 Sha'aban, birth of Abbas ibn Ali, son of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
05 Sha'aban, The fourth Imam Ali ibn Husayn.
05 Sha'aban, death of Hazrat Fiza, the Qaneez(hand-maiden) of Fatima Zahra.
07 Sha'aban, birth of Qasim, son of the second Shi'a Imam Hassan ibn Ali.
11 Sha'aban, birth of Ali Akbar, son of the third Shi'a Imam Husayn.
14 Sha'aban, night of prayer known as Shab-e-Barat observed by Muslims.
15 Sha'aban (Mid-Sha'aban), birth of the twelfth Shia Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.) had said that during the night of 15th Shaba'an the Almighty takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and welfare of the people. Next to the “Night of Qadr” the night of 15th Sha’—baan is the most auspicious night (also known as “night of Baraat”). According to the Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Baqir (A.S.) and Jaa’—far bin Muhammad As Sadiq (A.S.) the Almighty Allah has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him tonight. During this night Allah (swt) bestows on HIS people from HIS bounty & forgives them out of HIS grace & generosity .Of the blessings of this night is that ,at the dawn of this night ,was born the Leader of the Time Imam e Zamana (atfs) in Samarra -Iraq in the yr 255 AH .
ReplyDeleteAhadith in the book Iqbalul A‘mal "Therefore, stay awake this night in prayer and worship and encourage your Ummah to also keep awake this night in order to get closer to Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) through their actions since this is a noble night. I have come to you while all the Angels in the Heavens are together with one another some are glorifying Allah, others are in Ruku‘, others are in the state of Sujud while others are busy in the Dhikr of Allah. This is a night in which not a single person supplicates to Allah except that his prayers are accepted. Nobody asks for a single thing on this night except that it will be given to him. No one asks Allah for forgiveness except that his sins are wiped out. No one turns in repentance to Allah except that He accepts their repentance. Whoever is deprived of the goodness of this night has definitely been deprived of something great."
Almighty Allah has chosen this night for the Ahl al-Bayt, in the same way as He has chosen the Qadr Night for our Prophet—peace be upon him and his Family.
The first thing that that Salik (the Wayfarer on the path towards Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He) must perform on this night is that he must remove the material pleasures and enjoyments of this world from in front of his eyes (and from his heart) and in order to make the most of this special night and ensure that all of his actions are performed properly, he must think to himself that tonight is his last night on this Earth (meaning that tomorrow he shall die) and thus, he will no longer have the opportunity to perform any more good deeds and that tomorrow the Day of Judgment will take place.